Daily / Monthly Weather History for EstesParkWeather.net Weather Station

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Daily Report for the month of February 2025

Feb 1 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 37.1°F
Average humidity 50%
Average dewpoint 19.0°F
Average barometer 29.7 in.
Average windspeed 14.9 mph
Average gustspeed 22.6 mph
Average direction 173° ( S )
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 0.32 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on day 01 at time 00:00
Maximum temperature 42.9°F on day 01 at time 00:29
Minimum temperature 32.4°F on day 01 at time 06:37
Maximum humidity 67% on day 01 at time 21:26
Minimum humidity 14% on day 01 at time 00:25
Maximum pressure 29.793 in. on day 01 at time 23:15
Minimum pressure 29.608 in. on day 01 at time 03:29
Maximum windspeed 36.8 mph on day 01 at time 08:06
Maximum gust speed 56.4 mph from 161 °(SSE) on day 01 at time 05:25
Maximum heat index 42.9°F on day 01 at time 00:29
24 Hour Graph of this day is not available (20250201.gif)

Feb 2 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 45.0°F
Average humidity 48%
Average dewpoint 26.2°F
Average barometer 29.7 in.
Average windspeed 16.0 mph
Average gustspeed 23.5 mph
Average direction 173° ( S )
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 0.32 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on day 02 at time 23:59
Maximum temperature 50.5°F on day 02 at time 11:56
Minimum temperature 36.9°F on day 02 at time 00:21
Maximum humidity 64% on day 02 at time 08:59
Minimum humidity 37% on day 02 at time 23:59
Maximum pressure 29.780 in. on day 02 at time 00:02
Minimum pressure 29.574 in. on day 02 at time 13:08
Maximum windspeed 32.2 mph on day 02 at time 11:02
Maximum gust speed 48.3 mph from 173 °( S ) on day 02 at time 12:01
Maximum heat index 50.5°F on day 02 at time 11:56
24 Hour Graph of this day is not available (20250202.gif)

Feb 3 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 50.2°F
Average humidity 32%
Average dewpoint 20.6°F
Average barometer 29.6 in.
Average windspeed 10.1 mph
Average gustspeed 15.4 mph
Average direction 170° ( S )
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 0.32 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on day 03 at time 23:59
Maximum temperature 56.6°F on day 03 at time 16:11
Minimum temperature 43.4°F on day 03 at time 06:38
Maximum humidity 42% on day 03 at time 06:41
Minimum humidity 23% on day 03 at time 16:18
Maximum pressure 29.696 in. on day 03 at time 10:02
Minimum pressure 29.570 in. on day 03 at time 05:41
Maximum windspeed 21.9 mph on day 03 at time 11:39
Maximum gust speed 33.4 mph from 182 °( S ) on day 03 at time 11:38
Maximum heat index 56.6°F on day 03 at time 16:00
24 Hour Graph of this day is not available (20250203.gif)

Feb 4 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 52.4°F
Average humidity 25%
Average dewpoint 17.3°F
Average barometer 29.5 in.
Average windspeed 15.5 mph
Average gustspeed 24.4 mph
Average direction 179° ( S )
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 0.32 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on day 04 at time 23:59
Maximum temperature 57.5°F on day 04 at time 12:11
Minimum temperature 44.7°F on day 04 at time 21:27
Maximum humidity 34% on day 04 at time 21:36
Minimum humidity 20% on day 04 at time 09:37
Maximum pressure 29.641 in. on day 04 at time 00:01
Minimum pressure 29.405 in. on day 04 at time 23:58
Maximum windspeed 29.9 mph on day 04 at time 04:08
Maximum gust speed 47.2 mph from 136 °( SE) on day 04 at time 05:35
Maximum heat index 57.5°F on day 04 at time 12:11
24 Hour Graph of this day is not available (20250204.gif)

Feb 5 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 43.9°F
Average humidity 42%
Average dewpoint 21.6°F
Average barometer 29.4 in.
Average windspeed 9.5 mph
Average gustspeed 14.3 mph
Average direction 162° (SSE)
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 0.32 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on day 05 at time 23:59
Maximum temperature 48.9°F on day 05 at time 00:28
Minimum temperature 36.9°F on day 05 at time 22:52
Maximum humidity 66% on day 05 at time 22:47
Minimum humidity 30% on day 05 at time 16:13
Maximum pressure 29.573 in. on day 05 at time 23:54
Minimum pressure 29.332 in. on day 05 at time 03:11
Maximum windspeed 23.0 mph on day 05 at time 03:01
Maximum gust speed 39.1 mph from 138 °( SE) on day 05 at time 03:11
Maximum heat index 48.9°F on day 05 at time 00:28
24 Hour Graph of this day is not available (20250205.gif)

Feb 6 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 39.4°F
Average humidity 45%
Average dewpoint 18.4°F
Average barometer 29.7 in.
Average windspeed 8.8 mph
Average gustspeed 12.8 mph
Average direction 164° (SSE)
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 0.32 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on day 06 at time 23:59
Maximum temperature 52.2°F on day 06 at time 15:20
Minimum temperature 24.9°F on day 06 at time 21:19
Maximum humidity 74% on day 06 at time 21:54
Minimum humidity 21% on day 06 at time 16:00
Maximum pressure 29.749 in. on day 06 at time 10:21
Minimum pressure 29.566 in. on day 06 at time 00:09
Maximum windspeed 21.9 mph on day 06 at time 13:03
Maximum gust speed 36.8 mph from 168 °(SSE) on day 06 at time 12:52
Maximum heat index 52.2°F on day 06 at time 15:20
24 Hour Graph of this day is not available (20250206.gif)

Feb 7 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 44.3°F
Average humidity 35%
Average dewpoint 17.3°F
Average barometer 29.6 in.
Average windspeed 9.8 mph
Average gustspeed 14.8 mph
Average direction 167° (SSE)
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 0.32 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on day 07 at time 23:59
Maximum temperature 50.7°F on day 07 at time 13:16
Minimum temperature 33.0°F on day 07 at time 23:59
Maximum humidity 71% on day 07 at time 23:11
Minimum humidity 22% on day 07 at time 01:00
Maximum pressure 29.657 in. on day 07 at time 08:43
Minimum pressure 29.458 in. on day 07 at time 22:24
Maximum windspeed 26.5 mph on day 07 at time 12:47
Maximum gust speed 40.3 mph from 163 °(SSE) on day 07 at time 13:49
Maximum heat index 50.7°F on day 07 at time 13:16
24 Hour Graph of this day is not available (20250207.gif)

Feb 8 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 27.6°F
Average humidity 66%
Average dewpoint 16.9°F
Average barometer 29.8 in.
Average windspeed 6.0 mph
Average gustspeed 8.9 mph
Average direction 149° (SSE)
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 0.32 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on day 08 at time 23:59
Maximum temperature 37.4°F on day 08 at time 14:39
Minimum temperature 22.2°F on day 08 at time 23:57
Maximum humidity 89% on day 08 at time 23:24
Minimum humidity 36% on day 08 at time 14:41
Maximum pressure 30.028 in. on day 08 at time 23:49
Minimum pressure 29.498 in. on day 08 at time 00:01
Maximum windspeed 18.4 mph on day 08 at time 10:39
Maximum gust speed 29.9 mph from 157 °(SSE) on day 08 at time 13:21
Maximum heat index 37.4°F on day 08 at time 14:39
24 Hour Graph of this day is not available (20250208.gif)

Feb 9 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 22.0°F
Average humidity 55%
Average dewpoint 7.3°F
Average barometer 30.1 in.
Average windspeed 6.7 mph
Average gustspeed 10.0 mph
Average direction 168° (SSE)
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 0.32 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on day 09 at time 23:59
Maximum temperature 31.6°F on day 09 at time 15:41
Minimum temperature 9.6°F on day 09 at time 23:59
Maximum humidity 88% on day 09 at time 00:47
Minimum humidity 30% on day 09 at time 16:24
Maximum pressure 30.209 in. on day 09 at time 22:07
Minimum pressure 30.027 in. on day 09 at time 00:01
Maximum windspeed 23.0 mph on day 09 at time 13:28
Maximum gust speed 34.5 mph from 205 °(SSW) on day 09 at time 13:27
Maximum heat index 31.6°F on day 09 at time 15:41
24 Hour Graph of this day is not available (20250209.gif)

Feb 10 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 19.7°F
Average humidity 58%
Average dewpoint 5.8°F
Average barometer 30.1 in.
Average windspeed 6.1 mph
Average gustspeed 9.0 mph
Average direction 61° (ENE)
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 0.32 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on day 10 at time 23:59
Maximum temperature 35.3°F on day 10 at time 10:42
Minimum temperature 4.7°F on day 10 at time 03:31
Maximum humidity 82% on day 10 at time 23:59
Minimum humidity 29% on day 10 at time 10:30
Maximum pressure 30.174 in. on day 10 at time 00:09
Minimum pressure 29.972 in. on day 10 at time 14:25
Maximum windspeed 20.7 mph on day 10 at time 09:25
Maximum gust speed 29.9 mph from 161 °(SSE) on day 10 at time 09:30
Maximum heat index 35.3°F on day 10 at time 10:42
24 Hour Graph of this day is not available (20250210.gif)

Feb 11 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 7.5°F
Average humidity 78%
Average dewpoint 1.9°F
Average barometer 29.9 in.
Average windspeed 4.1 mph
Average gustspeed 5.8 mph
Average direction 351° ( N )
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 0.32 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on day 11 at time 23:59
Maximum temperature 19.8°F on day 11 at time 12:32
Minimum temperature 0.4°F on day 11 at time 23:59
Maximum humidity 84% on day 11 at time 20:34
Minimum humidity 58% on day 11 at time 12:41
Maximum pressure 30.052 in. on day 11 at time 00:04
Minimum pressure 29.771 in. on day 11 at time 13:54
Maximum windspeed 11.5 mph on day 11 at time 13:31
Maximum gust speed 15.0 mph from 036 °( NE) on day 11 at time 13:43
Maximum heat index 19.8°F on day 11 at time 12:32
24 Hour Graph of this day is not available (20250211.gif)

Feb 12 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 0.2°F
Average humidity 76%
Average dewpoint -5.8°F
Average barometer 30.0 in.
Average windspeed 5.1 mph
Average gustspeed 7.2 mph
Average direction 333° (NNW)
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 0.32 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on day 12 at time 23:59
Maximum temperature 8.6°F on day 12 at time 23:50
Minimum temperature -5.2°F on day 12 at time 20:24
Maximum humidity 82% on day 12 at time 20:52
Minimum humidity 46% on day 12 at time 23:46
Maximum pressure 30.196 in. on day 12 at time 21:25
Minimum pressure 29.907 in. on day 12 at time 02:58
Maximum windspeed 23.0 mph on day 12 at time 23:09
Maximum gust speed 36.8 mph from 186 °( S ) on day 12 at time 23:06
Maximum heat index 8.6°F on day 12 at time 23:49
24 Hour Graph of this day is not available (20250212.gif)

Average and Extremes for Month of February 2025 up to day 12
Average temperature 32.4°F
Average humidity 51%
Average dewpoint 13.9°F
Average barometer 29.758 in.
Average windspeed 9.4 mph
Average gustspeed 14.1 mph
Average direction 170° ( S )
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 0.32 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in on day 13 at time 00:06
Maximum temperature 57.5°F on day 04 at time 12:11
Minimum temperature -5.2°F on day 12 at time 20:24
Maximum humidity 89% on day 08 at time 23:24
Minimum humidity 14% on day 01 at time 00:25
Maximum pressure 30.21 in. on day 09 at time 22:07
Minimum pressure 29.33 in. on day 05 at time 03:11
Maximum windspeed 36.8 mph from 161°(SSE) on day 01 at time 08:06
Maximum gust speed 56.4 mph from 180°( S ) on day 01 at time 05:25
Maximum heat index 57.5°F on day 04 at time 12:11
Avg daily max temp41.0°F
Avg daily min temp23.6°F
Growing degrees days0.0 GDD

Day, Sunshine Hours, ET, Max Solar, UV
01 00:12hrs ET :0.13 in. 515.0 W/m²
02 00:06hrs ET :0.15 in. 534.0 W/m²
03 00:00hrs ET :0.16 in. 531.0 W/m²
04 01:42hrs ET :0.22 in. 629.0 W/m²
05 00:06hrs ET :0.09 in. 431.0 W/m²
06 00:00hrs ET :0.10 in. 520.0 W/m²
07 02:30hrs ET :0.13 in. 624.0 W/m²
08 02:30hrs ET :0.06 in. 571.0 W/m²
09 04:00hrs ET :0.06 in. 543.0 W/m²
10 01:54hrs ET :0.05 in. 610.0 W/m²
11 01:24hrs ET :0.02 in. 489.0 W/m²
12 00:00hrs ET :0.01 in. 297.0 W/m²
Sunshine hours month to date 14:11 hrs
Sunshine hours year to date 174:53 hrs

Daily Rain Totals
Quote from the patron saint of the webmaster, St. Alphonsus Liguori :
"My Jesus, Thou alone art sufficient for me.  My love, do not permit me to separate myself from Thee.  When shall I be able to say, 'My God, I cannot lose thee any more?' "

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